Tuesday, November 26, 2019

The Question of Civility Professor Ramos Blog

The Question of Civility Mark Twain’s Adventures of Huckleberry Finn was a ground-breaking piece of literature work that not only seemed to define what American Literature should be but defined what the national identity could be. It also exemplified what the United States was experiencing in certain parts of the country. Throughout the story, Twain seems to highlight a lot of contradictory behaviors and social expectations. While these are not apparent to the characters as a reader there are moments where we are overwhelmed by his critique of daily life in the southern part of the country. America was still trying to cope with its troubled past and the rippling effects that came about after the civil war. The most obvious struggle our protagonist encounters is that civility can never be independent of society and thus flawed. In his 1895 lecture tour, Twain described Adventure of Huckleberry Finn as containing a two-pronged moral conflict in which â€Å"a sound heart† collides with â€Å"a deformed conscience.† (6) The story seems to highlight opposing views of morality in which a person is born with the intrinsic value of what is right and wrong and those who upon observation of the social norms dictate what is indeed correct or not. Now, civility encompasses a wide range of material that must be combined in order to be considered civilized in that era. Huck Finn is an anomaly as he does not wish to conform to these ideas and become cultured, which is what people of the age considered the epitome of civility. He has grown in a very different way than most and decides that he enjoys being uncivilized. He considers a lot of what is required to be considered civil folly and restrictive. Huck is a spectacular case because we have ample examples of where his morality is not only tested but reconceived. As previously stated, morality and civility are greatly interwoven and cannot be separated quite clearly. Many of the questions that Huck is faced with were of great controversy at the time. For instance, the biggest misconception that was widely accepted was that black people were inferior to white people. The country, which was still reeling from the damages that constituted the civil war was also afflicted with a lack of resolution. As coined by Paul Tillich, a Jewish philosopher, â€Å"Sin is separation† and the creation of laws of segregation as well as Jim Crow laws were forms of this concept all over the country. Being civil meant that it was not only your duty as a citizen but a moral duty as a Christian to report and turn in slaves seeking freedom. Civility meant a complete lack of empathy toward people of a different color. Religion, which at this time was considered on par with civility was the greatest factor in determining what was acceptable and what was not. This is especially true when while deciding which days Tom’s and Huck’s band would meet. â€Å"Ben Rogers said he couldn’t get out much, only Sundays, and so he wanted to begin next Sunday; but all the boys said it would be wicked to do it on Sunday, and that settled the thing† (112). Despite the fact that they want to steal and commit murder they will not partake this deed during Sunday because it is a holy day. The irony of this is immense as they seem to have missed a great portion of the teachings by the Bible including thou shall not kill. Miss Watson who preached that civility was a must is also someone who is considered a hypocrite because of her ownership of slaves as well as willing to sell families for financial gain. She is the embodiment of what it meant to be civil in this era yet was devoid of the compassion that her faith required from her. Religion aside there are concepts of societal standards to be upheld by every white citizen during this time. If any slaves were on the run, they were to be returned to their masters. This is an ongoing inner conflict within Huck as he soon befriends Jim, a runaway slave but who is useful as Huck is still only a child. While he does consider himself uncivilized he still is afflicted with what he considers a law, which is slaves should never run away. While not a slave this is something Huck is doing himself, running away to avoid responsibility and fails to see how this is unfair to Jim and how he sets different standards for himself. Huck decides to use Jim in order to avoid suspicion but promises Jim to help him get to freedom even if he is conflicted. He begins selfishly but along the way redefines himself and grows to care for Jim. There are however moments of turmoil as previously stated he is still just a young boy. This is not lost on Jim who states â€Å"Dah you goes, de ole true Huck;de de on’y white genlman dat ever kep’ his promise to ole Jim†(204) and this sentence sets the stage for the progression of the story but it implies that perhaps Huck is the only moral character in the south. We do however see the conflict that arises within Huck when he states the following â€Å"And then think of me! It would get all around, that Huck Finn helped a nigger to his freedom; and if I was ever to see anybody from that town again, I’d be ready to get down and lick his boots for shame† (233). You clearly see the struggle with this comment despite not wanting to conform he still thinks of himself as a good kid and someone who is good does not condone the breaking of the law. Later when we see his shift and his readiness for â€Å"damnation† you can clearly see the divide between what would be considered an absolute and conditional. As an individual y ou must set forth your categorical imperatives and never sway even if you are to be labeled a brute.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   It is discernible that Mark Twain is effectively saying that morality and civility while encompassing similar paths can and should diverge depending the scenarios. Civility is brought upon by expectations or duties placed on by the society which can ultimately corrupt the individual. For Twain it seems morality should be constant no matter time or place and should take precedent. While some consider this novel racist based on the language it is paramount to understand that Twain used this platform to highlight to double standards practiced during this time especially with slavery. It is vital that this story continues to be read and taught as many of its issues are still prevalent more than 130 years later. If we are to learn from out past, we must revisit the books that question what we considered paramount. Schinkel, Anders. â€Å"Huck Finn, Moral Language and Moral Education.† Journal of Philosophy of  Education, vol. 45, no. 3, 2011, pp. 511-525.Bollinger, Laurel. â€Å"Say It, Jim: The Morality of Connection in ‘Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.’†Ã‚  College Literature, vol. 29, no. 1, 2002, pp. 32–52.Baym, Nina, and Robert S. Levine.  The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.  The Norton Anthology of American Literature. New York: W.W. Norton, 2013. 105-281. Print.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Write your way to clinical excellence, Cardiology News - Emphasis

Write your way to clinical excellence, Cardiology News Write your way to clinical excellence, Cardiology News We sometimes learn as much from our failures as from our successes often more so. But if we simply move on and never communicate these lessons, the value of these lessons will always be limited. This is why communicating is key to creating a culture of best practice that helps you to set benchmarks for your hospital. If were not to limit that communication to a very small audience (those we can talk to), then that means written communication. These days more than ever, any written communication has to compete with the literally millions of other messages that bombard us every day. Professional communications compete with an endless stream of news and advertising messages for mental bandwidth. So to get your particular message across, your reports or emails need to be concise and clearly show your ideas and recommendations. Your colleagues need to be able to see that you have a definitive viewpoint. And any documents you write for patients need to be easy to understand. Time spent on this area should bring benefits beyond the harnessing and transfer of knowledge. As with most clichs, theres more than a grain of truth in the mantra that you need to publish or perish. Perfecting your writing skills will make it easier to turn your hard-won knowledge into scientific papers for the literature, in turn helping to cement your reputation as a leader in your field, both nationally and internationally. Yet the irony is that despite its importance, most clinicians have never been taught professional writing skills. In fact, using basic essay and report writing skills developed through academic study is akin to using GCSE biology to investigate sudden cardiac death. Good writing takes practice. And even the best writers sometimes get bogged down in the finer details of their research and fail to deliver the main messages of their work. The secret is to have a checklist of writing tools to keep you on track. If you consistently apply these techniques, youll transform your writing and in turn your ability to influence your patients and peers. Report writing made simple Many people see report writing as a chore, and put it off until the last minute. Then, faced with a looming deadline, they cobble together something that doesnt differentiate the key points from other information. In doing so, theyll probably focus more on the writing process than on the readers needs. Doubtless you rarely if ever have the luxury of time to set aside for thinking and preparing. But just sitting away from your PC and planning what you want to include and in what order can pay dividends. Focus on your reader Its vital to ascertain your readers level of knowledge when writing about it. Ask yourself the following questions: What is the document about? Who will read it? How much do they already know about the subject? What do they absolutely need to know? How important is the subject to them? How interested are they in the subject? Map out your ideas Decide what you want to include before you begin writing. (Do not be tempted to use the writing process to clarify your thoughts.) For longer, more complex documents, it often helps to write your topic in the middle of the page and use a mind map as a tool for brainstorming your ideas. Then use a pen to group together the ideas that have things in common. Next decide what order to put your groups in, starting with the most important group first. Cross out anything that is irrelevant to your reader: never be tempted to include information simply because you have it. And earmark non-essential detail for appendices. Dont be tempted to shortcut this process by creating lists on your computer instead. Using a pen and paper can help to keep your mind fresh. It encourages the creative process, as it helps you to link ideas rather than thinking in a linear fashion. The messier you are now, the more ordered your thinking will be later. Clarify your main message Now that youve decided what your most important idea is, your next task is to explore this in more detail. Take another sheet of paper and write the headings: What?, Where?, When?, How?, Why?, and Who? Keep writing down the answers to these questions until you get to the heart of what youre really trying to say. Then, with this main message in mind, decide on a final order for the rest of your points. Following this process will help you avoid the temptation to cram every idea or piece of data into your report. Its more important to have a clearly defined point of view than to give the reader value for money with a jam-packed document. Craft a compelling summary An executive summary should highlight your recommendations right at the top, with your reasons second. For example, if your report concludes that a type A personality is a huge risk factor for a cardiac arrest, this information needs to come first. The interesting finding that single men visit their GP less than married men is probably best left for the main body of the report unless you decide to make this your angle. The choice is yours, because the secret to great report writing is to have a definitive point of view, no matter what it is. Dont forget that the world is suffering from information overload, and if your readers fully digested every document sent to them, theyd find little time to do anything else. Even if your writing is impeccable, it will still compete for your readers attention with a mountain of other documents, including emails, texts and even Twitter updates. Keep this in mind with every sentence you write. A new scientific style To truly develop your writing style you need to bid farewell to the rules of academic writing. In universities and other educational institutions, the more knowledge, information and argument you display, the better the work is received. Its also standard practice to write in the passive voice. And its common to reach a conclusion only after a long period of argument and analysis. But it is possible for your work to be scientifically sound and compelling. You can use short sentences and paragraphs and still present a rigorous clinical review. And you dont need to use jargon all the time, even if you are communicating to colleagues (but see below). Question your use of language and make conscious decisions about your writing. Quick style tips Apply the following tips to every document your write to make sure your work is clear, concise and compelling. Avoid the passive voice Use the active voice, where possible. So instead of: advances in atrial fibrillation ablation have been made, write we have made advances in atrial fibrillation ablation. Using the words we, you and us, can also help you to connect with your readers. Make sentences short and sweet Keep your readers attention by using an average of 15-20 words in each sentence. Prune your sentences by going through your document and cutting out meaningless phrases and non-essential information. Choose simpler words over more complicated alternatives. When writing for the public, for example, its much better to write the phrase giving up smoking than smoking cessation. Put only one idea in each sentence The following sentence contains two separate ideas: Even though cardiologists play an important role in influencing the lifestyle choices of their patients, some experts are concerned that they need more focus in this work. Far better to split it in two: Cardiologists play an important role in influencing the lifestyle choices of their patients. Yet some experts are concerned that they need more focus in this work. Practise splitting up your ideas in this way to make your writing easy to read (and write, incidentally). Jargon is not the bogeyman Its perfectly acceptable to use jargon if youre sure that your readers will understand it. Your fellow medical professionals will instantly know what the following sentence means. A review of the epidemiological literature has identified that psychosocial factors contribute to the onset of cardiac disease. But it would probably bemuse the typical layperson. If in doubt, underestimate your readers level of knowledge. Avoid management speak In some workplaces, people have found it almost impossible to speak without using terms such as going forward, utilise and pre-prepare. But while these words may get bandied about in board rooms, dont be tempted to use them in documents. Instead of going forward write in the future; opt for use instead of utilise and remember that theres no such thing as preparing before you prepare. Ask yourself if what youre writing really makes sense, and dont be afraid to cull words and sentences if it doesnt. Beware of abbreviations Abbreviations are a great shortcut when you and your reader speak a common language. But dont forget that there may be acronyms and abbreviations that people outside your profession just wouldnt know. Find your flow If you find it difficult to get started, try writing in short bursts. Start by writing for 30 minutes and keep increasing this time until youre comfortable writing for up to two hours. Keep referring to your plan, and just aim to write very specific sections of information. No matter how long or short your final document, even squeezing in a 15-minute session can help you make progress. Check your facts It can be such a relief to finish a document that you forget to proofread it. But making simple spelling mistakes, typos and other errors can seriously undermine the validity of your work. Proofread extra slowly by stopping a pencil at each word to check that its accurate. And ask a colleague to do the same. Its easier for a fresh pair of eyes to spot any mistakes. The art of article writing Magazine articles are a powerful vehicle for communicating your ideas and opinions. There are lots of industry titles that you could contribute to including Cardiology News. Once youve fully brainstormed and planned what you want to include (see the steps above in the report writing made simple section) there are three principles to follow. Create a snappy headline The headline is the most important part of your article. Its the first thing people see and will determine whether or not they want to read on. So choose a striking headline. Patients celebrate return to health with alcohol and cigarettes is better than Adverse lifestyle trends remain one year after cardiac arrest. The first headline is more interesting as it clearly presents the irony of choosing an unhealthy lifestyle when youre lucky to be alive. Find an angle Using the headline above, you could outline examples of patients whove reverted to their unhealthy ways and explain how, why and when they did this. Include facts and statistics to back up your findings. And make sure your article contains a definitive viewpoint. Bite the bullet As with report writing, you need to focus on making things simple for your reader. Include lots of bullet points and subheadings and use the important words that your readers will be looking for. Becoming a recognised industry expert Writing well-received articles and reports lays the ground work for being recognised as a leading medical expert. Even if youre happy doing your day job with as little fanfare as possible, its still worth communicating with the media. Your articles can encourage other clinicians to adopt your best practice. And they give you the opportunity to extend to circle of influence to the general consumers by using your writing as a health promotion tool. Start close to home by suggesting article ideas to medical magazines. The best articles to position yourself as an expert are ones where you give a new insight into existing issues. You could present a new take on the prevalence of heart disease or outline how a new piece of government legislation will affect clinicians working lives. Send a synopsis of the article to the magazine first. Write a snappy headline and standfirst (the two lines under the headline). Then write an attention grabbing opening paragraph and a few bullet points about what your article will include. The magazines editor can then give you further guidelines on content and style. Letters to the editor An easy way to begin your media campaign is to comment on relevant industry stories by writing letters to the editor. Use the SCRAP formula to grab readers attention. The acronym stands for: situation, complication, resolution, action and politeness. Situation Begin by explaining the current situation (or where we are now). Complication Introduce the idea that theres a problem (why we cant stay here). Resolution State your resolution to the problem. The reader will perceive you as an expert because you have a ready-made way of fixing things. Action Suggest what action the reader can or should take. Offer a viewpoint that is new and intriguing. Politeness Finally, end with a polite, but thought provoking sign-off. As in any profession, there are frustrating days when patients seem Hell-bent on ignoring your advice, or hospital politics get the better of you. Good communication is a step to resolving these issues and learning to write clearly about them can help relieve your frustration. Developing your writing skills can even help you communicate better with your patients. The principles are the same: focusing on your patient, clarifying your main message and using words theyll understand. And when you start to view your communication skills as being as essential as your clinical skills; your new found abilities will begin to pay dividends. Robert Ashton is the Chief Executive of Emphasis. Want to write better documents? See our courses for individuals or our courses for groups. Alternatively, send us a message or call one of our friendly advisors on +44 (0)1273 732 888

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Discuss the relevance of actor network theory and systems thinking for Essay

Discuss the relevance of actor network theory and systems thinking for design and implementation of infrastructure systems - Essay Example Actor network theory outlines the underlying attributes of an information system that are sensitive. It offers a language to describe an information infrastructure. This language describes where, how and the extent to which technology influences the society and human behavior. The process is important during the identification of the technical components that are installed in the system’s modules. Actor network theory is a strategic approach to system thinking because it questions categories of an information system (Onsrud 2007 p. 17). This theory targets the performing order by establishing effects, facts, technological solutions and beliefs. The relationship between society and technology can be conceptualized in different ways. Information technology is a critical factor in the development of a society because it simultaneously enables the amplification of dominating trends that are important for the restructuring of societies. Information technology figures and constrains changes in a society. Members of a society develop the technologies that they want, and they use these technologies for the sustainability of the society (Calderà ³n & Servà ©n, 2004, p. 3). Information technology aids societies to promote the interests of different members, particularly in the control of labor. Information systems comprise large numbers of inter connections and modules. Actor network theory presents a framework that is relevant concerning the design and implementation of information infrastructures. Actor network theory is relevant in the design and implementation of an infrastructure system because it is grounded on simple observations. This theory is concerned with the ways in which design and implementation are done, rather than the ways in which these processes are normatively supposed to be approached. Actor network theory explains how technological artifacts are designed. In addition, the theory explains the processes that are performed during the design of a

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Racial Communitarianism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Racial Communitarianism - Essay Example This is a post-post-modernist development in the sense that it engulfs not only traditions of libertarianism, modernity of civil society and peculiar amalgamation of both these to bring forth something anew as good governance but also its quest for a balanced form of State and social ethos. Racial Communitarianism thus reflects a search and global movement for equal respect and opportunities to people of all races in the pursuance of their duties as human beings and citizens of a global civil society. Rights will then be natural corollary of duties so performed professionally. Communitarianism is also an attempt to work towards fighting various apparently fascist tendencies of libertarianism such as overarching power channels and structures like the Security Council of the United Nations and the all powerful stature of the President of United States despite inherent checks and balances in the political system. Communitarianism is, indeed, an emerging movement to go beyond the shackles of a sovereign nation-state. It is moving ahead into the realms of a global civil society tackling a number of its issues and problems on its own without always looking up to the State for all its solution. Standing on one's own feet, preserving one's self-respect, economic and multicultural empowerment alongwith individual based and logically viable soc

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Indonesia Essay Example for Free

Indonesia Essay In the past, people in the Indonesia used to eat healthy and freshly prepared food with their families in their home. However, many people, particularly young people, prefer to eat fast food such as hamburgers, fried chicken, and pizza because it is really tasty. There are several causes and effects of consuming fast food, and this change has occurred such as change in lifestyle, influence in advertising, impact on health, loss of the family tradition of eating together, and impact on the economy. First, there are several causes for the popularity of fast food. A first reason is the change in lifestyle. Many people in the Indonesia are working long hours, shifts, or extended school days. They do not have time to find ingredients or prepare good food. A second reason is advertising. The Indonesia is a modern with all forms of media such as the Internet and satellite television, and people like to try new products and different kinds of fast food. However, this change can have some serious effects. One effect is on health. Many people in the Indonesia  are becoming obese. These people will be less productive and have conditions such as heart disease and diabetes. Another result of fast food culture is the loss of the family tradition of eating together. Children and adults rarely eat together now, and thus get less opportunity to talk. A further effect is on the economy. Although fast food is not very expensive, it is more expensive than cooking properly for yourselves. Many of the fast-food companies are franchisees of foreign corporations, so profits leave the country. In conclusion, fast food, although it is convenient and delicious, it can have serious health and social effects. People should learn to choose fast food carefully and remember the pleasure of eating good food in good company.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Tennessee Williams Essay -- essays research papers

Tennessee Williams   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Tennessee Williams was born Thomas Lanier Williams on March 26, 1911 in Columbus, Mississippi. As a child, he lived with his mother and grandfather. When he was fourteen, Williams too first place in an essay contest sponsored by a national magazine, The Smart Set. At the age of seventeen, his first published story appeared in the August 1928 issue of Weird Tales. A year later Williams entered the University of Missouri but in 1932 he withdrew and took a job at the shoe factory where his father held a job as a sales manager. In 1935 Williams returned to college and graduated from the University of Iowa in 1938. Williams had begun writing plays while attending the University of Missouri and after his graduation he had supported himself doing a variety of small jobs. In 1939 he won a national drama award for a group of plays called American Blues. Williams achieved his first great stage success with The Glass Menagerie, which was produced in New York City in 1945. This play won the New York Drama Critics' Circle Prize as the years best play. Williams averaged two plays a year since that time. On February 4, 1983, Tennessee Williams died in New York City. Throughout Williams' lifetime he has put forth more than twenty- five full-length plays, more than forty short plays, a dozen produced (and unproduced) screenplays and an opera libretto. These have been translated into at least twenty-seven languages, including Tamil, Welsh, Ma...

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Negotiable Instrument

Plymouth Horizon automobile, John Lowbrows gave Sally a handwritten note which stated the following: â€Å"l promise to pay $500 In two equal installments on July 1, 2013 and August 1, 2013. The following language was included on the back of the writing: The 1990 Plymouth Horizon which Is the subject of this transaction serves as collateral to secure repayment of this note. The maker agrees not to sell or otherwise dispose of the collateral.Please see the corresponding security agreement for rights and obligations pertinent thereto. Is this a negotiable Instrument? RULE: 3-106 permits the Instrument to mention the details of the underlying contract without destroying negotiability as long as payment of the note is not made â€Å"subject to† the performance of that contract. In exchange for Sally Johnny's 1990 Plymouth Horizon automobile, John $500 in two equal installments on July 1, 2013 and August 1, 2013.The following is the subject of this transaction serves as collateral to secure repayment of this note. A negotiable instrument? S 3-106 permits the instrument to mention the details of the underlying contract without destroying negotiability as long as payment of the note is not made â€Å"subject to† the performance of that contract. The instruments is negotiable because It reference the content of the contract regarding rights to repayment and acceleration. Negotiable Instrument Plymouth Horizon automobile, John Lowbrows gave Sally a handwritten note which stated the following: â€Å"l promise to pay $500 In two equal installments on July 1, 2013 and August 1, 2013. The following language was included on the back of the writing: The 1990 Plymouth Horizon which Is the subject of this transaction serves as collateral to secure repayment of this note. The maker agrees not to sell or otherwise dispose of the collateral.Please see the corresponding security agreement for rights and obligations pertinent thereto. Is this a negotiable Instrument? RULE: 3-106 permits the Instrument to mention the details of the underlying contract without destroying negotiability as long as payment of the note is not made â€Å"subject to† the performance of that contract. In exchange for Sally Johnny's 1990 Plymouth Horizon automobile, John $500 in two equal installments on July 1, 2013 and August 1, 2013.The following is the subject of this transaction serves as collateral to secure repayment of this note. A negotiable instrument? S 3-106 permits the instrument to mention the details of the underlying contract without destroying negotiability as long as payment of the note is not made â€Å"subject to† the performance of that contract. The instruments is negotiable because It reference the content of the contract regarding rights to repayment and acceleration.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Bollywood Museum-Architectural Thesis

BOLLYWOOD MUSEUM, MUMBAI The museum for Indian cinema referred to as BOLLYWOOD MUSEUM, is an initiative by Ministry of film and broadcasting, Govt. of India to celebrate 100 years of Indian Cinema. The aim of project is to enlighten the people and future generations about the glory of our cinema industry and enlighten them about the people who made our country the largest cinema industry of world. As per the brief from the ministry, the major exhibits in the museum would be: Artefacts, equipments like Cameras, Editing, & Recording Machines, Projectors etc. Costumes, Photographs and other material are proposed to be kept in the Museum. The properties, dresses, sets, tapes, vintage equipment, posters, copies of important films, prints, promotional leaflets, developing equipment books, biographies, sound tracks, trailers, transparencies, Cinema magazines, statistics covering film distribution etc. to be displayed in a systematic arrangement depicting the history in a chronological manne r, will be procured through donations and also by purchase.There will also be a Museum shop which will sell the copies/photographs etc. of the vintage items, books and booklets on the work of noted film makers and mementoes. The site chosen for the project is in the premises of the Film division office on Pedder road in south Mumbai. The site consists of existing office buildings, a library building in dilapidated condition which would be replaced by a new building in the design and a century old construction known as Gulshan Mahal. The rejuvenation of this building forms the major architectural concern for the project.This building awarded with Urban Heritage award in 2001 was formly used as a shooting set and now would form the main component of the complex design. The building would be rejuvenated with an active plaza in front of it. The design of the museum was evolved from the basic unit of film industry†¦ the reel. The form of the building was inspired from the spooling f ilm over the reels. The circulation of the museum aims at giving the visitor a complete route of the Indian cinema industry from production to people, evolution to screening. The route of circulation defines the shape of building.The dynamic form of the building makes it ‘filmy’. The design process started with identification of the programmes to be introduced in the building. The programme was divided into three major categories based on function named as museum, commercial and library. The museum building would house the administrative areas and the exhibits of the museum. The new library building is planned to replace the existing library building which was in dilapidated condition. The commercial area was planned to house a souvenier shop, cafeteria and a restaurant.All the three areas were made approachable through the same plaza from the drop off point. The drop off point amidst the three building complexes was intended to give the visitor a feeling of apparently entering the building from the car. The design of the complex was made to frame the Gulshan Mahal in the new building, as viewed from the drop off point. The visitor is given a grand welcome in the museum building with a grand atrium with a skylight on top which introduces light inside and hence visually adds to the volume of the space. The museum galleries were designed as per the given requirement of the exhibit by the ministry.The exhibits were divided as per their use in industry and its impact. Apart from the given requirements, some new galleries were introduced. The circulation of the building starts with the introduction gallery and with each changing exhibit area, the level rises upto 1m and hence viewing the different stages of production of a movie, the visitor reaches the higher level of building exhibiting the costumes and props used in the industry. from where it moves to the other part of the building through a connecting bridge exhibiting the life and works pf Dadasa heb Phulke known as the father of the Indian Cinema.The similar concept of rising levels with the exhibits apply for the subsequent exhibition of the changing trends in the movies. Reaching the higher level, the visitor passes through the gallery exhibiting the life and works of film makers which connects the library building to the commercial building. Repeating the concept of rising levels, with music and dance galleries, the visitor reaches back to the museum complex through the gallery of life of actors/actresses. The highest level houses the screening area which intend to screen the rare and special movies or may be used while film festivals. he route of the museum acts like the film spooling over the three reels of musum, library and commercial building and thus defines the overall shape of the museum. The rising levels, connecting bridges give it its dynamic shape. The central plaza in front of the Gulshan Mahal is intended to add activity in the complex making it more lively and thus gives a welcoming approach to the Urban Heritage building which has lost its importance over time. This building shall be retained as a live shooting set which would act as a museum for the equipments used during shooting.An informal seating space in the plaza is planned to address the groups educating them about the place and the industry. The concept behind the planning of Bollywood museum is to create a sculpture that relates to the industry it is exhibiting with interesting twists and turns which adhere to our masala Indian Movies. ——————————————– [ 1 ]. Source: NATIONAL MUSEUM OF INDIAN CINEMA Ministry of Information & Broadcasting Government of India Films Division Complex 24-Dr. G. Deshmukh Marg, Mumbai-400 026. Email : [email  protected] org / website : www. filmsdivision. org

Thursday, November 7, 2019

German Holidays Customs and Celebrations

German Holidays Customs and Celebrations The German holiday calendar has several in common with other parts of Europe and the United States, including Christmas and New Years. But there are several notable holidays that are uniquely German throughout the year.   Here is a month-by-month look at some of the major holidays celebrated in Germany.   Januar (January)  Neujahr (New Years Day)   Germans mark the New Year with celebrations and fireworks and feasts. Feuerzangenbowle is a popular traditional German New Years drink. Its  main ingredients are red wine, rum, oranges, lemons, cinnamon, and cloves. Germans traditionally send New Years cards  to tell family and friends about events in their lives during the past year. Februar (February)  Mari Lichtmess  (Groundhog Day) The American tradition of Groundhog Day has its roots in the German religious holiday  Mari Lichtmess, also known as  Candlemas. Beginning in  the 1840s, German immigrants to Pennsylvania had observed  the tradition of a hedgehog predicting the end of winter. They adapted the groundhog as replacement meteorologist since there were no hedgehogs in the part of Pennsylvania where they settled. Fastnacht/Karneval (Carnival/Mardi Gras) The date varies, but the German version of Mardi Gras, the last opportunity to celebrate before the Lenten season, goes by many names: Fastnacht, Fasching, Fasnacht, Fasnet, or  Karneval.   A highlight of the main highlight, the Rosenmontag, is the so-called Weiberfastnacht or  Fat Thursday, celebrated on the Thursday before Karneval.   The Rosenmontag is the main celebration day of Karneval, which features parades, and ceremonies to drive out any evil spirits.   April:  Ostern  (Easter) The Germanic celebration of Ostern features the same fertility and spring-related icons- eggs, rabbits, flowers- and many of the same Easter customs as other Western versions. The three major German-speaking countries (Austria, Germany, and Switzerland) are predominantly Christian. The art of decorating hollowed-out eggs is an Austrian and German tradition. A little bit to the east, in Poland, Easter is a way more relevant holiday than in Germany May: May Day The first day in May is a national holiday in Germany, Austria, and most of Europe. International Workers Day is observed in many countries on May 1. Other German customs in May celebrate the arrival of spring. Walpurgis Night (Walpurgisnacht), the night before May Day, is similar to Halloween in that it has to do with supernatural spirits, and has pagan roots. Its marked with bonfires to drive away the last of winter and welcome the planting season.   Juni (June):  Vatertag (Fathers Day)   Fathers Day in Germany began in the Middle Ages as a religious procession honoring God the father, on Ascension Day, which is after Easter. In modern-day Germany,  Vatertag is closer to a boys day out, with a pub tour than the more family-friendly American version of the holiday.   Oktober (October): Oktoberfest Even though it starts in September, the most German of holidays is called Oktoberfest. This holiday started in 1810 with the wedding of Crown Prince Ludwig and Princess Therese von  Sachsen-Hildburghausen. They held a big party near Munich, and it was so popular that it became an annual event, with beer, food, and entertainment.   Erntedankfest In German-speaking countries, Erntedankfest, or Thanksgiving, is celebrated on the first Sunday in October, which is usually also the first Sunday following Michaelistag or Michaelmas. Its primarily a religious holiday, but with dancing, food, music, and parades. The American Thanksgiving tradition of eating turkey has usurped the traditional meal of goose in recent years.   November: Martinmas (Martinstag) The Feast of Saint Martin, the Germanic Martinstag celebration, is sort of like a combination of  Halloween and Thanksgiving. The legend of Saint Martin tells the story of the dividing of the cloak, when Martin, then a soldier in the Roman army, tore his cloak in two to share it with a freezing beggar at Amiens. In the past, Martinstag was celebrated as the end of the harvest season, and in modern times has become  the unofficial start of the Christmas shopping season in German-speaking countries in Europe. December (Dezsember):  Weihnachten (Christmas) Germany provided the roots of many of the American celebrations of Christmas, including Kris Kringle, which is a corruption of the German phrase for the Christ child: Christkindl. Eventually, the name became synonymous with Santa Claus.   The Christmas tree is another German tradition that has become part of many Western celebrations, as is the idea of celebrating St. Nicholas (whos also become synonymous with Santa Claus and Father Christmas).

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

How to Set Up an Amazon Author Central Page in 3 Simple Steps

How to Set Up an Amazon Author Central Page in 3 Simple Steps How to Set Up Your Amazon Author Central Page Indie authors know the pressure of having to set up profiles on every new platform that pops up, promising to help you market and sell your books: Goodreads, Facebook, BookBub, oh my! It definitely adds up. But there’s one major tool that - if you haven’t already signed up for - you absolutely shouldn’t overlook: Amazon Author Central.What is Amazon Author Central?Amazon Author Central is a free tool that authors who have published a book through Amazon can sign up for   - whether they’ve published in print or ebook through Kindle Direct Publishing, or an audiobook through ACX. You can think of an Author Central account as your own private headquarters at today’s largest book retailer.Two of the significant updates that have been announced so far include:The ability for authors to manage their books and profile on all the different Amazon marketplaces from their one account - so they won’t need to log in and out to all of the internatio nal sites.It will also give users access to Amazon Author Insights: a hub of articles with tips on writing, publishing, and marketing.Have you tested out the beta program? Have you already used Author Central to optimize your Author Page? We’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments below!

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Art Movement of Suprematism Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Art Movement of Suprematism - Assignment Example Malevich was a Russian painter and theoretician in the art as well, and he is the recognized founder of the Suprematist art movement. One of his most popular works is the White on a White painting which is Oil on Canvas square piece measuring 79.4 centimeters. It dates back to the year 1935 and remains an outstanding piece that pioneered this art movement. In the description, the piece is a simple square frame that has a smaller inner square tilted slightly clockwise so that it seems to be standing on its bottom-right edge. The inner white square, placed off-center in that it leans to the right more than it does to the left rests on a bigger outer square that seems warmer. Both squares have rich texture on their surfaces. The resulting effect is the creation of an illusion of volume and depth by the use of a single color. Born Lazar Markovich Lissitzky, this man was born in Smolensk, Russia in eighteen-ninety and died in Moscow in nineteen-forty one. He is famous as an influential twentieth-century typographer, designer, and painter. According to Sarabianov (n.p.), he met Malevich at Vitebsk in 1919 at the Revolutionary People’s Art School where he was teaching graphics and architecture.